Thursday, January 7, 2021

Reflections from Mark 13

I see people fighting about fights.
I hear of wars and rumors of wars.
Some say the end is coming and is in sight.

Do not be deceived. Many will come in the name of Jesus, claiming "I am he, I am the one that you need to save you from the evil empire" and will deceive many.

Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. These are just the beginning of birth pangs.

Be on guard. Respond to hatred with love and faithful proclamation of the good news that Jesus destroys evil through his self-giving love at work in us. Proclaim it not just with your mouth, but also with your actions.

Today I am choosing to pray for the violent Christian nationalists deluded by the lies of a man claiming "I am he". When I look into their faces I see what I could have become. When I hear their voices I hear words I spoke as a teenager and young adult. When I see their actions I see something I justified in theory many times throughout my life. When I see their privilege waltzing into the Capitol virtually untouched, I see the privilege that I waltz through life with.

This is us. This is me. This is the fruit of Evangelical Christianity failing to heed the words of Jesus. This is evil.

Be on your guard. May God have mercy.