Books I've Read
As promised I am writing a review of the book "Love Wins" by Rob Bell. I don't think of myself as a good book reviewer...because I tend to focus in on what the book meant to me and what stuck out to me rather than treating the bo...
This book is an excellent book that I would highly recommend to any Christian. Flavel addresses the troublesome thoughts and distractions that we all experience to some degree or another from fear. Long before the volumes on stress were e...
George Muller's autobiography is composed of portions of his diary. George Muller was converted in his early 20's and later went on to pastor a congregation, start an orphanage which held 1150 orphans, as well as many missionary trips. Mo...
This book makes a great case for the place of the law in the life of a Christian. He shows how Christian obedience fits in with God's grace and the effects of sin upon a believers life. This book is fairly indepth and definitely not a beg...
The goal of this book is to introduce the major themes of Christianity to someone who may not know the Christian message but is interested in more, or someone who has long been part of the church but is confused as to what the big deal is a...
This is an excellent book which considers many attributes of God each separately while recognizing throughout that they are all connected (or more properly, one unified being, which is God Himself. Tozer would say that you cannot say God's...
This is one of those books that I think I will try to go back and read once every 5 years or so because it addresses things so ingrained within the Christian culture, and therefore within my psyche, that it will require repeated exposure an...
This is one of my all-time favorite novels. The author does a good job of developing the characters just enough to cause you to fall in love with them (or to hate them) but with enough mystery surrounding them to make them still seem like ...
This devotional style book based on John 15 is excellent and definitely worth the read. Andrew Murray fully fleshes out the idea of abiding in Christ and correctly balances the truths of "ye can do nothing" with "ye are frie...
I had to read this 92 page confession of faith in order to complete my application to Swamp Mennonite Church, however, as I read it I became increasingly glad that I had to do so. There is something refreshing in the emphasis upon Jesus' t...
This book deserves every one of 9 stars. It is a little slow starting up, dealing mostly with apologetic and theological implications of Jesus' resurrection, but around page 100 it becomes much more applicational and you won't want to put ...
This book would land somewhere around 7 stars. It is a bit of a slow read, especially at the beginning. The chapters alternate - one by Kevin followed by one by Ted. Kevin's chapters are very deep (although not always that content laden....
If I were to give this book a rating from 1 to 10 I would put it somewhere around 5. I will further explain this rating, but I must first say that despite this fact I would still highly recommend the book to anyone. Peter does an excellen...
In approximately 100 pages John lays out the story of the world from before creation through the restoration of all things. This is a very moving book which causes you to see the larger story within which you live. John effectively shows ...
This is a very short book detailing the dangers of theological study. Many of the thoughts are ones I have already had myself, but they were very good reminders and gave some reasons I had not already thought through. This is a book that ...
This is a well formulated work on ecclesiology, firmly rooted in the practices of the church. The book is very academic in nature while also being very practical, readable, and accessible. I would recommend the book to anyone who has a de...
This is perhaps the best book on worship that I have ever read. I was originally turned off by the title, but found that as I read that the book is both Biblical and orthodox. Perhaps my favorite aspect of this book is that he is solidly ...
If I were to rate this book on a scale of 1-10 it would barely get a 3. It was very poorly written. The author tried to weave a story throughout the book to enhance the overall message and provide the opportunity for application, unfortun...
I have heard a lot of bad things about this book, which caused me to be extremely surprised to find that I actually agree with him on many counts. There are a lot of problems that I have with Christianity as we know it, and what we've come...
By far the best part of this book was the section by Sinclair Ferguson explaining the position of the Puritans in regards to preaching and the history behind the writing of the Westminster Confessions and Directory. I was amazed by how unb...
This is a very good book that focuses on the need for prayer (and the lack thereof) in churches today. He does a very good job of balancing the sovereignty of God with the responsibility of people, which is a difficult task indeed when han...
This is an excellent book that focuses around leading the singing portion of a church service. The first two sections of the book (The Leader and The Task) are excellent but somewhat slow going at times due to the extremely theoretical nat...

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