Friday, September 24, 2010

How God Shrinks and Grows...

This is something that I wrote to Dana yesterday in the course of a Yahoo chat, but I felt that it was appropriate to share.

It seems to me that singing, do i say this, when we're going through difficulty we more easily recognize our need for God and therefore God becomes much bigger in our eyes, so then when we sing it is easier to really let go and worship him. But when everything is going well, then God becomes smaller in our eyes, so we look to songs more for their truth content in order to show us God, rather than enjoying songs that allow us to just let go and praise God for who we see He to be. I've been noticing that in my own life recently at least, like, I feel like God has become so small in my eyes and therefore it just becomes harder to really worship, because worship is giving God glory
because He is so great, so then I find it harder to really connect with songs and music and know what songs what to call it...usher you into the presence of God I guess. So, I'm feeling the need for some adversity so I can become smaller again and I see God for how big He really is.

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